Who We Are
Our Mission
American College of Chiropractic Consultants (ACCC) is a group of professionals with interest in the acquisition, dissemination and application of best evidence for chiropractic practice.
The mission of the ACCC is to provide an educational forum where chiropractic practice can be critiqued and discussed within the context of standard of care, medical necessity, appropriateness, and legal issues.
Our Perspective
Established in the mid-1970s and chartered as a non-profit corporation in 1980, the ACCC has been a constant resource for UR/QA and is the largest chiropractic organization representing this subspecialty. The ACCC gathers, correlates and disseminates information to its members and interested parties. The College does not directly provide utilization management services. Its members are independent contractors providing advisory consulting services to health care payors and other entities which provide chiropractic benefits, as well as legal and governmental agencies. Their expertise extends to independent medical examinations, educational training, medicolegal, risk management and healthcare administration activities.
Certification Board
The ACCC is affiliated with the American Board of Chiropractic Consultants (ABCC) which is an autonomous organization dedicated to assuring a high quality certification process. Chiropractors that have accumulated the required postgraduate education credits and meet the standard of training and experience may apply to take this national certification examination. Individuals who pass this examination are granted the designation of Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Consultants (DABCC). The granting of this status recognizes academic and professional achievement in the field of QA/UR. ABCC certified practitioners are distinguished by their level of skill in medical records review, case analysis and management, and clinical/examination acumen.
Board Members
2023-2024 Term
President – Dr. David Bodoff (Louisiana)
Vice President– Dr. Robert King
Secretary/Treasurer – Dr. Matthew Leffel (New Jersey)
Immediate Past President – Dr. Harry Morgan (New Jersey)
Board Advisors–
Dr. John Cerf (New Jersey)
Dr. David Boll (Wisconsin)
Dr. Rob Servais (Wisconsin)
Dr. William Tellin (Pennsylvania)
Evidence-Based Medicine Resource Committee Chairman– Dr. Matthew Leffel (New Jersey)